The application of electromagnetic methods for polymetallic prospecting in mining conditions
GPR, Electromagnetic Profiling, petrophysics, copper mineAbstract
The paper presents selected results of geophysical surveys carried out in the “Polkowice-Sieroszowice” copper mine in Lower Silesia, Poland. The aim of complex geophysical measurements was the analysis of the usefulness of selected electromagnetic methods for locating ore mineralisation zones in mining conditions. The results were obtained from surveys conducted along profiles designed on the side-wall by the roof, in the middle and the floor of the excavation. Electromagnetic Profiling and Ground Penetrating Radar techniques were applied for outlining the mineralisation zones consisting of Cu, Pb and Fe. The variability of geophysical recordings depending on the degree of mineralisation and distribution of fractures induced by mining activity were analysed. The results of geophysical surveys were correlated to petrophysical parameters and laboratory data concerning the percentages of Cu, Pb and Fe in samples taken from the side-wall at the survey site.
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