Velocity models for seismics based on well log data
sonic logging, velocity of elastic waves, longitudinal wave, shear wave, FWS logging, Estymacja software, FalaFWS application, Polish LowlandAbstract
Compressional (Vp) and shear (Vs) elastic waves velocities were determined from logging measurements using FWS tool and acoustic full wavetrains processing using FalaFWS application in GeoWin system. Estymacja program was used to calculate both types of wave velocities (Vp, Vs) and bulk density theoretical formulas, which combine quantities dependent on mineral composition, porosity, water saturation and type of medium in the rock. The results were compared with respect to P and S waves slowless, bulk density and dynamic elastic moduli: Young modulus, bulk modulus, shear modulus and Poisson ratio. It was determined that in the absence of Vp and Vs with a lack of acoustic full wavetrains registration, only the Estymacja program provides the expected results. The FalaFWS application broadens the range of results compared to logging results in depth sections where velocity of mud is higher than the velocity of S wave in formation.Downloads
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