Molluscan communities in Vistulian loess located in Chobrzany, a village near Sandomierz (Southern Poland)
loess, malacofauna, palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, Vistulian, Pleniglacial, Southern PolandAbstract
Malacological analysis was conducted on shell material from loess profile in Chobrzany village located near Sandomierz. This particular profile represents a vertical wall, up to 6.5 m high. Its upper part is composed of typical, yellow loess with vertical cracks covered by recent soil. In the lower interval the occurrence of poorly visible lamination and carbonate concretions is observed. Six species of snails were identified. These belong to the so-called "loess species". Several types of molluscan communities can be distinguished on the basis of faunistic changes. These molluscs' assemblages correspond with the palaeoenvironment and they allow for palaeoclimatic and stratigraphical reconstructions. The results of malacological analysis indicate that the loesses in Chobrzany could belong to the youngest loess sequence (Upper Younger Loess), which were deposited during Pleniglacial Phase of Vistulian.Downloads
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