Demand on capacity on natural gas in salt caverns to the year 2015 and 2020


  • Aleksander ZAWISZA PCC Rokita SA



gas demand, gas storage facilities, salt caverns, strategic reserves, climate and energy package


The EU Directives implementing the climate and energy package will result in the increased demand for natural gas in all EU countries, especially in Poland, whose energy management is coal-based. In the following decades we will observe the substantial increase in demand for natural gas as an energy carrier in power and heating sectors. Another factor, which will contribute to the increase in gas consumption, is the expansion of gas transmission and distribution network. In order to secure natural gas supply for the customers in is necessary to ensure the proper gas storage capacity, expand the existing underground gas storage facilities (UGS) and build new ones. Currently used Polish underground natural gas storage facilities allow storing 1.6 billion m3. Taking into consideration the expansion of investments in underground natural gas storage facilities and the projected increase in demand for natural gas, it is justified to build the new large salt cavern underground gas storage facility in Poland.



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How to Cite

ZAWISZA, A. (2011). Demand on capacity on natural gas in salt caverns to the year 2015 and 2020. Geology, Geophysics and Environment, 37(2), 293.