
  • Wojciech Turek
  • Edward Nawarecki
  • Grzegorz Dobrowolski
  • Tomasz Krupa
  • Przemysław Majewski




Existing solutions to the problem of finding valuable information on the Websuffers from several limitations like simplified query languages, out-of-date in-formation or arbitrary results sorting. In this paper a different approach to thisproblem is described. It is based on the idea of distributed processing of Webpages content. To provide sufficient performance, the idea of browser-basedvolunteer computing is utilized, which requires the implementation of text pro-cessing algorithms in JavaScript. In this paper the architecture of Web pagescontent analysis system is presented, details concerning the implementation ofthe system and the text processing algorithms are described and test resultsare provided.


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How to Cite

Turek, W., Nawarecki, E., Dobrowolski, G., Krupa, T., & Majewski, P. (2013). WEB PAGES CONTENT ANALYSIS USING BROWSER-BASED VOLUNTEER COMPUTING. Computer Science, 14(2), 215. https://doi.org/10.7494/csci.2013.14.2.215

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