ComcuteJS: A Web Browser Based Platform for Large-scale Computations


  • Roman Debski
  • Tomasz Krupa
  • Przemyslaw Majewski



volunteer computing, parallel computations, large-scale computations, augmented cloud computing


The paper presents a new, cost effective, volunteer computing based platform.It utilizes volunteers’ web browsers as computational nodes. The computationaltasks are delegated to the browsers and executed in the background (indepen-dently of any user interface scripts) making use of the HTML5 web workerstechnology. The capabilities of the platform have been proved by experimentsperformed in a wide range of numbers of computational nodes (1–400).


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How to Cite

Debski, R., Krupa, T., & Majewski, P. (2013). ComcuteJS: A Web Browser Based Platform for Large-scale Computations. Computer Science, 14(1), 143.

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