CLUO: Web-Scale Text Mining System for Open Source Intelligence Purposes


  • Przemyslaw Maciolek
  • Grzegorz Dobrowolski



Text Mining, Big Data, OSINT, Natural Language Processing, monitoring


The amount of textual information published on the Internet is considered tobe in billions of web pages, blog posts, comments, social media updates andothers. Analyzing such quantities of data requires high level of distribution –both data and computing. This is especially true in case of complex algorithms,often used in text mining tasks.The paper presents a prototype implementation of CLUO – an Open SourceIntelligence (OSINT) system, which extracts and analyzes significant quantitiesof openly available information.


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How to Cite

Maciolek, P., & Dobrowolski, G. (2013). CLUO: Web-Scale Text Mining System for Open Source Intelligence Purposes. Computer Science, 14(1), 45.

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