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Author Guidelines

We accept original scientific or survey papers prepared in English. The papers should be submitted and will be processed using Open Journal System. The papers are to be prepared using LaTeX system. Submitted papers will be refereed by independent reviewers and, if necessary, the Authors may be asked to revise their manuscript. Proofs will be sent to the Authors for corrections.


Please follow these general requirements:

  • As the paper are subject to double-blind review process, please REMOVE THE NAMES AND AFFILIATIONS OF THE AUTHORS from the submitted version of the paper (PDF). You may add them before submitting the final version.
  • The paper should have a classic structure: Title, authors and affiliations, abstract, introduction, state of the art, description of the contribution with scientific novelty, comparison to the other state of the art algorithms/techniques etc/experimental section, conclusions, acknowledgments, bibliography.
  • Assure high quality of English (do proof-reading if needed).
  • Assure high quality of graphics (vector graphics is preferred, use good-quality bitmaps where it is absolutely necessary).
  • Adhere to the LaTeX Style with examples at the latest after the acceptance of the paper. There are samples in English and Polish provided.
  • Please prepare your bibliography using the .BST style included in the LaTeX Style with examples file. Please, do include your .BIB files in your final submission.
  • The abstract should not be longer than 150 words.
  • The final submission (after acceptance) should be a ZIP archive containing all necessary LaTeX sources, compiled paper, as well as filled out, signed and scanned Consent to Publish, and Appendix. filled out according to the following example: Appendix filling example. The appendix does not have to be printed nor scanned, it may be simply added to the final ZIP file.
  • We kindly ask to prepare the final version in one LaTeX file instead of using \input or \include with other files. It will help us significantly in publishing process.
  • After publication, do remember to cite your work using the full name of the journal, e.g.: Name, Surname, "Title of the Contribution", Computer Science, Volume(Number), AGH University Press, 2023.
  • Read the setting instruction and apply to it. It is advisable that authors modify the sample document.
  • There should be one .tex file only (please do not use \input, \include and similar commands).
  • Check if there are no BIBTEX compilation errors (apart from PDFTEX).
  • Check .bib file composition with JabRef or Zotero.
  • Usage of non-standard Latex packages should be kept to a minimum.

Graphics guidelines

Please, ensure that graphics used in papers are of high-quality:

  • use vector graphics saved as PDF or EPS when possible,
  • when using a PDF generator check that options that may influence image quality are set properly, e.g.:
    • high dpi (600 or more),
    • no text or image compression,
    • for color images use CMYK color model,
  • bitmaps should have resolution of at least 300dpi (color) or 600dpi (black).

To achieve high quality vector graphics you can use following software solutions:

To convert existing graphics into PDF you can use e.g. PDFCreator.


There is no publication fee. Authors of the accepted paper are eligible to get one hardcopy of the number containing their contribution free of charge. No postage charges apply.


We follow strict anti-plagiary procedure and we neither accept papers prepared by ghostwriters (a person hired for preparing a paper) nor including guest authors (co-authors listed only from honorary reasons). Such activities are perceived as transgressions and may be followed by criminal prosecution.

Authors that do not follow these guidelines (i.e. submit plagiaries) will be banned from publishing in our journal for one year. Moreover, the employing institution, science associations and other organizations that such authors may be members of, will be informed about their attempt to publish the plagiary in our journal.

Following of the above-mentioned procedure we do our best to make sure that your work will not be published side-by-side with plagiary or other work published again generally acclaimed rules.

Review process

Detailed description of review procedure:

  • For each of papers at least two independent reviewers are assigned.
  • At least one of the reviewers must work in a country different than the countries of the authors' affiliations.
  • The papers are reviewed in a double-blind process.
  • The review is concluded with decision: accept as-is, accept after minor revision, accept after major revision (in this case another review may be necessary), reject.

In special cases, authors or invited editors may apply for fast track procedure, making publishing cycle of certain papers as short as possible. Individual evaluation of eligibility is performed.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Requirements

    Please follow these general requirements:

    • As the paper are subject to double-blind review process, please remove the names and affiliations of the authors from the submitted version of the paper (PDF). You may add them before submitting the final version.
    • Assure high quality of English (do proof-reading if needed).
    • Assure high quality of graphics (vector graphics is preferred, use good-quality bitmaps where it is absolutely necessary).
    • To streamline the evaluation process and expand our repository of experts, we require the authors to accompany the submission with a list of at least five suggested reviewers. The proposed individuals should
      • be willing to undertake a review,
      • have scientific expertise in the given field,
      • have no conflicting interests that would influence their opinion,
      • not be affiliated with the same institution as any of the authors,
      • (if possible) not have the same country of origin as any of the authors.
      Please note that the editor may contact any person from the list but is not obligated to do so. They retain the right to select the reviewer pool according to their best judgement.
    • Adhere to the LaTeX Style with examples at the latest after the acceptance of the paper. There are samples in English and Polish provided.
    • Please prepare your bibliography using the .BST style included in the LaTeX Style with examples file. Please, do include your .BIB files in your final submission.
    • The abstract should not be longer than 150 words.
    • The final submission (after acceptance) should be a ZIP archive containing all necessary LaTeX sources, compiled paper, as well as filled out, signed and scanned Consent to Publish, and Appendix. filled out according to the following example: Appendix filling example. The appendix does not have to be printed nor scanned, it may be simply added to the final ZIP file.
    • We kindly ask to prepare the final version in one LaTeX file instead of using \input or \include with other files. It will help us significantly in publishing process.
    • After publication, do remember to cite your work using the full name of the journal, e.g.: Name, Surname, "Title of the Contribution", Computer Science, Volume(Number), AGH University of Science and Technology Press, 2010.
    • Read the setting instruction and apply to it. It is advisable that authors modify the sample document.
    • There should be one .tex file only (please do not use \input, \include and similar commands).
    • Check if there are no BIBTEX compilation errors (apart from PDFTEX).
    • Check .bib file composition with JabRef or Zotero.
    • Usage of non-standard Latex packages should be kept to a minimum.

    Graphics guidelines

    Please, ensure that graphics used in papers are of high-quality:

    • use vector graphics saved as PDF or EPS when possible,
    • when using a PDF generator check that options that may influence image quality are set properly, e.g.:
      • high dpi (600 or more),
      • no text or image compression,
      • for color images use CMYK color model,
    • bitmaps should have resolution of at least 300dpi (color) or 600dpi (black).

    To achieve high quality vector graphics you can use following software solutions:

    To convert existing graphics into PDF you can use e.g. PDFCreator.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.