Selected hydrochemical ratios of waters from inflows at level VI in "Wieliczka" Salt Mine
mining hydrogeology, hydrochemical ratios, “Wieliczka” Salt MineAbstract
Relationships between major ions, such as Cl− , SO4 2− and Na+ and some microelements, may serve as good indicators of genesis and chemical transformations occurring during groundwater flow. The chemical composition of water from inflows at the level VI of “Wieliczka” Salt Mine is formed mainly by the dissolution of different types of salts caused by waters circulating in complicated systems of semipermeable rocks and fractured sandstones. This complicated geological structure is additionally disturbed by seven centuries of mining activity. Individual inflows are recharged by different flow systems, thus water/rock contact times are different. The authors analysed basic hydrochemical ratios: sodium/ chlorides (rNa+ /rCl− ), sulphides/chlorides (rSO4 2−·100/rCl− ) and chlorides/iodides (Cl− /I− ). The obtained results proved that hydrochemical ratios may serve as a supporting tool for better assessment of water threats in the western part of “Wieliczka” Salt Mine.Downloads
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