Progress in the development of the semi-empirical calibration of neutron probes based on Monte Carlo modeling
neutron well logging, calibration of the borehole neutron probe, general neutron parameter of neutron transportAbstract
The method of the semi-empirical calibration of a neutron well logging probe was developed by Jan Andrzej Czubek on the concept of the general neutron parameter (GNP) and tested positively at the neutron calibration station in Zielona Góra, Poland. The neutron probe responses in a wide range of neutron parameters (and thus lithology, porosity and saturation) were also computed using the Monte Carlo method. The obtained simulation results made it possible to determine the calibration curves using the Czubek concept in a wider range than by means of the original method. The very good compatibility of both methods confirms the applicability of the GNP as well as the Monte Carlo numerical experiments, which allow for a significant extension of the semi-empirical calibration in complex well geometries taking into account e.g., casing or invaded zones.
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