Salt resources in Poland at the beginning of the 21st century
resources and reserves, rock salt, potash salt, PolandAbstract
The paper summarized the actual knowledge on resources (anticipated economic and subeconomic ones) of both rock and potash salts estimated in the documented salt deposits in Poland as well as their predicted (prognostic and prospective) resources calculated to the depth of 2 km. The late Permian (Zechstein) rock salts predominated (ca 95% of anticipated resources and ca. 99.9% of predicted ones, the Miocene salts are marginal). The most (up to 69%) of their anticipated resources concentrated in the salt dome deposits but 96.7% of the prognostic ones - in stratiform deposits. The anticipated rock salt resources could prove over 26 Ka of exploitation (at the current production rate) but the predicted ones > 500 years assuming that 1/10[6] of total resources will be excavated. The anticipated economic resources of Permian potash salts in non-exploited five deposits are > 669 mln t (mainly > 597 mln t of polyhalite type in four stratiform deposits) and the predicted ones were estimated at ca. 1.02 bln t.Downloads
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