An analysis of the chemistry, mineralogy and texture of waste dolomite powder used to identify its potential application in industry
dolomite powder, heavy metals, waste utilization, mineralogical-chemical research, environmental protectionAbstract
In this work the characteristic of the dolomite powder was carried out due to specifying possible industrial applications. After technological use of dolomite aggregates remaining fine powder becomes waste. Raw and calcined powder samples were subjected to mineralogical, textural and chemical studies involving leaching tests. The results of the calcination process indicate that the carbonate minerals present in the material sample undergo complete decomposition in the form of oxides. After the calcination, the material is practically non-porous and its surface area is more than five times smaller than that of the raw material. However, due to the high content of calcia in the calcined sample (CaO >45% wt.), the material cannot be used as an additive in cement. Leaching tests showed that the concentration of metals that can leach from the dolomite powder is not high enough to classify the material as hazardous waste according to the TCLP test. Moreover, the concentration of metals that can get into the environment does not exceed permissible values according to the Polish law. Thus it is recommended and justified to carry out detailed tests in view of the environmental protection i.e. wet flue gas desulfurization, heavy metals absorption, CO2 capture.
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