Paleogene of the Magura Nappe adjacent to the Pieniny Klippen Belt between Szczawnica and Krościenko (Outer Carpathians, Poland)


  • Jan Golonka AGH University of Science and Technology,
  • Anna Elżbieta Waśkowska AGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Geology, Geophisics and Environmental Protection



Magura Nappe, Krynica Zone, peri-Pieniny zone, Paleocene-Eocene, litostratigraphy, foraminifera


The present authors investigated the Paleogene deposits of the internal zone of the Magura Basin known as Krynica Subunit or Krynica Zone in Poland. These deposits crop out in the peri-Pieniny zone, in area between Szczawnica and Krościenko. The oldest flysch deposits belong to the Paleocene – Lower Eocene Szczawnica Formation. This formation is covered by the thin-bedded turbidites of the Eocene Zarzecze Formation locally with intercalations of the thick-bedded sandstones of the Krynica Member and Łącko-type marls.  The youngest rocks in this area belong to the Eocene-Oligocene Magura Formation.  The Zarzecze Formation occupies a big part of the Krynica zone of the Magura Nappe border structure. Some deposits previously distinguished as the Szczawnica Formation were transferred to the Zarzecze Formation. The foraminiferal assemblages confirm the Eocene age of these deposits.


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Author Biography

  • Jan Golonka, AGH University of Science and Technology,
    Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection


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How to Cite

Golonka, J., & Waśkowska, A. E. (2015). Paleogene of the Magura Nappe adjacent to the Pieniny Klippen Belt between Szczawnica and Krościenko (Outer Carpathians, Poland). Geology, Geophysics and Environment, 40(4), 359.