Simulation-Based Sailboat Trajectory Optimization using On-Board Heterogeneous Computers


  • Roman Dębski Department of Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology



black-box optimization, trajectory optimization, dynamic programming, heterogeneous computing, micro HPC platform


A dynamic programming-based algorithm adapted to on-board heterogeneous
computers for simulation-based trajectory optimization was studied in
the context of high-performance sailing. The algorithm can efficiently utilize
all OpenCL-capable devices, starting the computation (if necessary, in singleprecision)
on a GPU and finalizing it (if necessary, in double-precision) with
the use of a CPU. The serial and parallel versions of the algorithm are presented
in detail. Possible extensions of the basic algorithm are also described. The
experimental results show that contemporary heterogeneous on-board/mobile
computers can be treated as micro HPC platforms. They offer high performance
(the OpenCL-capable GPU was found to accelerate the optimization routine 41
fold) while remaining energy and cost efficient. The simulation-based approach
has the potential to give very accurate results, as the mathematical model upon
which the simulator is based may be as complex as required. The black-box represented
performance measure and the use of OpenCL make the presented
approach applicable to many trajectory optimization problems.


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How to Cite

Dębski, R. (2017). Simulation-Based Sailboat Trajectory Optimization using On-Board Heterogeneous Computers. Computer Science, 17(4), 461.