Determining rock pore space using image processing methods
porosity, image analysis, mathematical morphologyAbstract
This paper presents the possibilities of using image processing for determining effective porosity in carbonate and terrigenous rocks. For the purpose of the research, an algorithm was created, which automatically determines the percentage of pore space, based on the analysis of video sequences registered with the use of a microscope. Up to this point stereological research used for describing rock porosity was conducted manually, which is both troublesome and time consuming. The proposed algorithm uses a series of transformation operations such as: non-context operations, contextual operations and morphological transformations. The presented algorithm was tested on video sequences of thin sections of carbonates from Buszewo and Kościan, and sandstones from Dobrzyca and Solec. The obtained results show, that the method of automatic video sequence analysis used for detection and measurement of porosity leads to satisfying results.Downloads
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