ReMo3D – an open-source Python package for 2D and 3D simulation of normal and lateral resistivity logs
normal and lateral resistivity logs, geophysical forward problem, finite element method, Python, Gmsh, Netgen/NGSolveAbstract
An open-source Python package is presented, ReMo3D, which allows the generation of synthetic normal and lateral resistivity logs for 2D and 3D models. The package is built around a finite element mesh generator Gmsh and a high-performance multiphysics finite element software Netgen/NGSolve and supports distributed-memory parallel computation. The examples included in the paper show that the developed software can accurately simulate the measurement process and produce detailed synthetic normal and lateral resistivity logs. In addition, basic information about normal and lateral tools such as tool configurations, measurement principles, nomenclature and a brief history of utilization is included in the paper.
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