Last scene in the large scale rotations of the Western Carpathians as reflected in paleomagnetic constraints




Western Carpathians, large scale rotations, paleomagnetic constraints


This paper provides an overview of the paleomagnetic results which constrain the post-Paleogene tectonic development of the Western Carpathians. A group of these results are relevant to the last stage of the Tertiary folding and thrusting of the Silesian, Dukla and Magura nappes of the Outer Western Carpathian and were obtained from Paleogene-Lower Miocene flysch sediments. Both the pre- and post-folding remanences indicate about 50° CCW vertical axis rotation with respect to the present orientation. This is about a 60° rotation relative to stable Europe. It follows that the general orientation of the Silesian and more internal nappes were NW-SE, at least until the mid-Miocene. The CCW vertical axis rotation was coordinated with that of the Central Carpathian Paleogene Basin. The termination of the rotation can be estimated from the paleomagnetic data available from the Pieniny andesites which intruded the Pieniny Klippen Belt and the southern part of the Magura Nappe as well as from those obtained for the Neogene intramontane basins which opened up in the Outer and in the Central Western Carpathians. The paleomagnetic vectors for the andesites form two groups. The first group suggests about 45° CCW rotation relative to north, while the second shows no rotation. At the present stage of our knowledge it seems likely that some of the andesite bodies were intruded around 18 Ma, which is the oldest isotope age for the intrusions of the Wżar Mts, while some other bodies could have been emplaced after the rotation, around 11 Ma, which is the youngest isotope age for the Brijarka quarry. Vertical axis CCW rotation was also observed on sediments older than 11.6 Ma in the Orava-Nowy Targ Intramontane Basin which saddles the Magura Nappe and the Central Carpathian Paleogene Basin. However, this rotation was related to fault zone activity and was not attributed to the general rotation of the Outer Western Carpathian nappe system. Paleomagnetic results from the Nowy Sącz Intramontane Basin, which opened over the Magura Nappe, and those for the Central Western Carpathian Turiec Intramontane Basin do not indicate vertical axis rotation. In the first case, the loosely controlled age limit of the termination of the rotation is around 12 Ma. Well constrained results from the second basin imply that the rotation was definitely over by 8 Ma. Based on the above observations, and aware of the problem of often loose age control on the formation and deformation of the deposits of the intramontane basins, it is tentatively concluded that the large scale CCW rotation of the Central Western Carpathians, together with the Magura, Dukla and Silesian nappes, must have started after 18 Ma and terminated around 11 Ma.


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How to Cite

Márton, E. (2020). Last scene in the large scale rotations of the Western Carpathians as reflected in paleomagnetic constraints. Geology, Geophysics and Environment, 46(2), 109.