Study on the relative local temporal changes of the geomagnetic field on the Lublin slope of the East European Craton (the Parczew - Chełm profile)
geomagnetic field, temporal changes, proton magnetometer, magnetic modeling, EECAbstract
The local relative changes of the total intensity geomagnetic field in time are presented against the background of the geological structure of Lublin-Podlasie slope (LPSK) of the East European Craton. The research concerned measurement results of the total intensity (T) of the geomagnetic field, taken in the last 12 years (1997-2008) at 20 sites located along the Parczew - Chełm profile. Relative temporal changes of the geomagnetic field were determined on the basis of values of geomagnetic field calculated with reference to geomagnetic field measured at the base. These changes are presented as graphs, and in the form of space-time 2D and 3D representations, showing their relationship with the magnetic anomaly map. The cause of local relative changes was attempted to be explained by 2D magnetic modeling assuming that the changes of the induced magnetization of the basement crystalline rocks are result of the geomagnetic secular variations.Downloads
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