Paramagnetic properties of Cuban red mud at low temperatures
iron ores, metals oxides, ESR, low temperaturesAbstract
The electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of Cuban red mud have been measured at three different temperatures: 295 K, 150 K and 77 K. The broad absorption line with resonance fields ∼(1.7–1.8) kOe was observed at all temperatures with values of g-factor from 3.602 to 4.020. The temperature decrease resulted in an absorption line appearance with resonance fields of 3.252 kOe (g = 2.067) at 150 K and 3.339 kOe (g = 2.086) at 77 K. The ESR-signal amplitude with resonance fields ∼(1.7–1.8) kOe decreases and the ESR-signal amplitude in the field ∼3.3 kОе increases with reduction in temperature.Downloads
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