Modeling the influence of selected elastic parameters of a medium as well as aquisition parameters on the variations of dynamic and kinematic features of Rotliegendes reflections
geophysics, seismic modeling, medium attenuation, anisotropyAbstract
The main purpose of the study was to define the influence of the elastic parameters of the geological medium (velocities, medium anisotropy, medium attenuation), aquisition parameters (long offsets, seismic signal parameters) and selected processing procedures (stacking velocity estimation and defining the kinematic corrections) on reflections from the Rotliegendes boundaries within Golce- 1 well region. In order to solve the formulated task a program for numerical modeling of the seismic ray trajectories in the anisotropic medium (VTI) with attenuation was developed by the author. The seismogeological models were based on data from the scientific publications as well as available data taken from well measurements, which comprised of sonic logs and check shots. The results of the analysis confirmed that both the velocity anisotropy and long spreads had no significant effect on stacking velocity errors and kinematic corrections estimation. The results also confirmed a strong attenuation effect of the medium on variations of the spectra of Rotliegendes reflections.Downloads
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