Volume of rock salt production and salt import to Poland during the last five years (2005–2009)
In Poland rock salt is currently extracted by two mining corporations: "Kłodawa" S.A., which uses a traditional mining method (a chamber system with rock salt crushing by blasting) and Zakłady Górnicze Polkowice-Sieroszowice, part of KGHM "Polska Miedź" S.A., which uses a mechanical method of extracting rock salt by utilizing combines. Both methods preserve salt's natural properties. Poland's output of rock salt production, its importation as well as the demand for its road salt all largely depend on the dominating weather conditions during the winter season. In addition to rock salt extracted by these two domestic mines, the Polish market is also supplied with salt imported mainly from Eastern Europe (Ukraine and Belarus), as well as in small proportions from Germany. Almost the whole quantity of the imported salt is appropriated for winter road maintenance. Small quantities are sold for electrolysis, the fodder industry and food processing plants. More than 480,000 tons of salt was imported in 2009, compared to 2008 this was an increase of more than 128,000 tons, or ca. 36%. The predominant import is road salt. Analysis of import data from the past three years revealed a constant increase in the supply of dry salt (solid salt) (an increase to 22% in 2009). This raises some concern and can actually threaten the domestic salt producers. An increase in the production capacity of domestic rock salt can reduce the amount of salt imported on the condition that warehousing capacities are increased and existing customers' storage areas are used in full (reserves should be collected before each season).Downloads
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How to Cite
KOŁODZIEJSKI, J. (2011). Volume of rock salt production and salt import to Poland during the last five years (2005–2009). Geology, Geophysics and Environment, 37(2), 307. https://doi.org/10.7494/geol.2011.37.2.307