The estimation of re-exploitation possibilities of part of reserves left in exploitation field number 2 in the "Kłodawa" Salt Mine on the example of the chamber KS-21/600
salt mining, chamber system, numerical modeling of rock massAbstract
In the article the actions are presented, which were undertaken to restart the exploitation in chamber KS-21 on working level 600 in the "Kłodawa" Salt Mine. The chamber had not been extracted during the exploitation of working level 600 because of the fact that the heading was the way of haulage of excavated material from the so called "part A" of the chamber. The re-exploitation in that place requires getting a deviation from the operative rigour in connection with driving the heading in the salt diapir. In order to attain that, many activities were done to confirm the hypothesis that reexploitation does not threaten the stability of field number 2.
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