Lead and iron contents in parsley being cultivated in the area of Chrzanów geochemical anomaly
parsley, geochemical anomaly, food qualityAbstract
Selected research polygon is both a geochemical anomaly and suburban area (Krakow City & Upper Silesia agglomeration). The inhabitants here have detached houses with gardens of one or two acres size, where “home-made”, fresh, low-processed food could be produced. The anomaly is reflected in high values of heavy metals contents, especially cadmium, lead and zinc, in the soils of the region. This is the result of both natural and anthropogenic factors. The purpose of the paper was to evaluate lead and iron contents in roots and leaves of parsley being cultivated in Trzebinia Commune, which is located in the area. Considering , there is a positive geochemical anomaly, the lead contents in soil were low – the average value was 88.67 mg*kg-1 d.m. and only two contents – 218.98 and 119.35 exceeded 100 mg*kg-1d.m. From the other hand the lead contents in parsley roots were high, many times higher than the allowable values. The lead contents in parsley leaves were also high. Phytoaccumulation indices were low, only one had the average value, but at their minimal range (1.02 and 10.3 adequately for leaves and roots). Translocation index of lead was close to one. The iron contents in soils were not high and they fell within the scope of low and average ranges that occur in Polish soils. The iron contents in leaves were high, attractive from nutrition point of view.
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