Titanium compounds and their impact on the transformation of air pollutants


  • Agnieszka Bok Opole University of Technology
  • Marta Bożym Opole University of Technology




titanium, TiO2, photocatalysis, wear, pollutant, catalyst


Titanium as transition metal is demonstrating the high mechanical strength, is light and corrosion resistant. The estimation of environmental impact of use of machine parts thats grains are freed from contact surface of titanium alloys by wear is buffling. Due to its catalytic action TiO2 is nowadays added to: asphalt, concrete, exterior paints for elevation, self-cleaning glass and protective coatings. It is also present by clothes, food (E171), cosmetics (CI 77891) and textiles. The research on toxicity of titanium and its compounds is pointing at their neutral character, however an adverse impact is also being observed by nature. TiO2 may affect air quality – it promotes free radicals and ozone origination. Properties and directions of titanium compounds use and their influence on pollutants circulation were described.


Author Biographies

  • Agnieszka Bok, Opole University of Technology

    Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Production Automation, MSc


  • Marta Bożym, Opole University of Technology

    Department of Environmental Engineering,



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How to Cite

Bok, A., & Bożym, M. (2016). Titanium compounds and their impact on the transformation of air pollutants. Geology, Geophysics and Environment, 41(3), 213. https://doi.org/10.7494/geol.2015.41.3.213