Assessment of the current possibility of agricultural use of soils in agricultural areas adjacent to the Copper Smelter “Głogów
pollution, agricultural environment, copper smelter, soils, heavy metalsAbstract
The studies were conducted in the years 2012–2014 on agricultural areas affected by the gas and dust emissions of the Copper Smelter “Głogów”. The content of five trace elements – copper (Cu), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), cadium (Cd), arsenic (As) – was determined in soil samples collected on the borders of the protection zone of the smelter by means of the AAS method. Additionally, the collected samples were used to determine the pH of the analysed soil. The studies showed that the contents of the analysed trace elements in the soil depended on the location of the soil in relation to the sources of the emission of the pollution and were the result of a strong concentration of these elements in a period of intensified emission from the plant. The element which caused the greatest soil pollution was copper. A strong variation in pH values was observed in the analysed soils (ranging from acid to alkaline reactions). The pH of most of the soils was ≥5.6. The conducted studies formed the basis for determining the initial isoline of the areas which exceeded the legal standards for soil quality in the discussed area. These studies are an integral complement to existing work on the evaluation of the local variability of soil pollution with heavy metals and arsenic in an area affected by smelter emissions.
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