
  • Szabolcs Jónás University of Miskolc, Hungary
  • Miklós Tisza University of Miskolc, Hungary




Clinching, clinching method, DP600


Clinching is an effective joining technique for lightweight sheet materials that are difficult or impossible to weld. Clinching is a relatively new technology in which two to three sheet metal parts are joined together by a process of local plastic deformation without the use of any additional components with the application of a special tool. In this study, an experimental investigation of clinch joints was performed. A non-standardized technique was used to determine the optimal joint geometry for further experiments. The used material type was DP600 (dual-phase, advanced high strength steel).


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Author Biographies

  • Szabolcs Jónás, University of Miskolc, Hungary

    Department of Materials Science and Technology

    Institute of Mechanical Technologies


    PhD student

  • Miklós Tisza, University of Miskolc, Hungary

    Department of Materials Science and Technology

    Institute of Mechanical Technologies


    Full Professor


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How to Cite

EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON DP600 CLINCHED JOINTS. (2018). Metallurgy and Foundry Engineering, 44(1), 31. https://doi.org/10.7494/mafe.2018.44.1.31