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Author Guidelines

1. Papers – submit two copies, each complete with figures, tables and abstracts. The manuscript should be typed using text editor such as Microsoft Word or Word Perfect on one side of A4 format paper (36 lines per page), with a margin of 30 mm all around. The manuscript should not exceed 20 pages, including tables and illustrations. Attach the diskette with the text of manuscript (compress if necessary using ZIP or RAR formats).

2. Manuscripts have to be written in English as all papers are published in English only. State full names and surnames of all authors at the top of the first page. Type titles and affiliations in the footer on the first page. Arabic digits should be used for numbering of sections. Subsections should be numbered 1.1, 1.2 etc. SI units are obligatory.

3. Summaries and keywords – in English and Polish, which will be used for the scientific information purposes, should contain names and initials of all authors as well as the title of the paper. The summary should not exceed 15¸20 lines.

4. Equations have to be placed in separate lines and should be numbered in text, e.g. (10). Equations should be typed using computer equations’ editor considering exponents, subscripts and superscripts as well as letter size.

5. Figures:
- A separate list of figure captions has to be included, written in English.
- Line drawings should be of a good quality and contrast, not larger than A4 format. Lettering (in English) should be large enough to be at least 2 mm after reduction. High quality micrographs or other photographic materials (format 6 ´ 9 cm) are required for printing. Xerox‑type copies of the micrographs are not acceptable.
- Enclosed figures should have numbers written underneath and approximate locations of all figures in text should be marked in the text (it is allowed to place images with description in the text). Supplying the figures in digital format, created using graphical software such as Corel Draw (*.cdr),  AutoCAD (*.wmf) or raster graphics (*.bmp, *.tif, *.jpg) would speed up the publication. Microstructures should have a well-visible scale implemented in an image. Descriptions of the images in series "a, b, c..." should not be implemented in the image but rather written clearly above the image in text or/and preferably in the name of a file.

6. Tables:
A separate list of table captions has to be included, written in English. Approximate locations of all tables in text should be marked on the margin.
All tabulated data identified as tables should be given a table number using Arabic numerals and a descriptive caption. Each table should be typed on a separate sheet.

7. Styling of references– within the text, references should be cited in numerical order, in square brackets, for example [1], [2¸5] etc.
  1. Books – Names and initials of authors: title. Place, publisher, year.
  2. Papers in journals – Names and initials of authors. Title of an article, Journal, vol. (year) pages from-to.
  3. Other publications:

- University text books – Names and initials of authors: title. Publisher, place, year.
- Ph.D. dissertations – Name and initial of an author: title. PhD dissertation. Name of the School, Department, year (Ph.D. dissertations, not published).
- Papers in conference proceedings – Names and initials of authors: title. Name, place and date of the conference. Editor, publisher and place of publication, year, pages from‑to.

8. Keywords: max. 4-5 words.

9. Signed, scanned and ready to attach Copyright Statement during submission process.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). Signed, scanned and ready to attach Copyright Statement during submission process.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided. Remeber to paste references in text box outside the paper during submission process.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.