
  • Peter Lavin
  • Eamonn Kenny
  • Brian Coghlan



If several distributed and disparate computer resources exist, many of whichhave been created for different and diverse reasons, and several large scale com-puting challenges also exist with similar diversity in their backgrounds, then oneproblem which arises in trying to assemble enough of these resources to addresssuch challenges is the need to align and accommodate the different motivationsand objectives which may lie behind the existence of both the resources andthe challenges. Software agents are offered as a mainstream technology formodelling the types of collaborations and relationships needed to do this. Asan initial step towards forming such relationships, agents need a mechanism toconsider social and economic backgrounds. This paper explores addressing so-cial and economic differences using a combination of textual descriptions knownas social profiles and search engine technology, both of which are integrated intoan agent technology.


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How to Cite

Lavin, P., Kenny, E., & Coghlan, B. (2013). COMPUTING RESOURCE AND WORK ALLOCATIONS USING SOCIAL PROFILES. Computer Science, 14(2), 273.




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