Notification Methods in Wireless Systems


  • Piotr Nawrocki AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Computer Science
  • Mikołaj Jakubowski AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Tomasz Godzik AGH University of Science and Technology



notification methods, wireless systems, energy consumption


Recently, there has been an increasing need for secure, efficient, and simple
notification methods for wireless systems. Such systems are meant to provide
users with precise tools best suited for work or leisure environments, and a lot
of effort has been put into creating a multitude of applications. At the same
time, however, not much research has been made into determining which of the
available protocols are best suited for each individual task. A number of basic
notification methods are presented here, and tests have been performed for the
most-promising ones. An attempt has been made to determine which of the
methods have the best throughput, latency, security, and other characteristics.
A comprehensive comparison is provided, which can be used to select the right
method for each individual project. Finally, conclusions are provided, and the
results from all of the tests conducted are discussed.


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How to Cite

Nawrocki, P., Jakubowski, M., & Godzik, T. (2017). Notification Methods in Wireless Systems. Computer Science, 17(4), 519.