Application of projection-based interpolation algorithm for non-stationary problem


  • Maciej Woźniak AGH University of Science and Technology, Kawiory 21, 30-055, Kraków
  • Maciej Paszyński AGH University of Science and Technology, Kawiory 21, 30-055, Kraków



L-Shape, h-adaptivity, parallel, L2 projection, non-stationary


In this paper we present a solver for non-stationary problems using L2 projection and h-adaptations. The solver utilizes the Euler time integration scheme for time evolution mixed with the projection based interpolation techniques for solving the L2 projections problem at every time step. The solver is tested on the model problem of the heat transfer in L-shape domain. We show that our solver delivers linear computational cost at every time step.


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Author Biography

  • Maciej Woźniak, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kawiory 21, 30-055, Kraków
    Maciej Wozniak is a third year PhD student of Computer Science at AGH University, Krakow, Poland.
    His research interests include optimization of solver algorithms for different architectures of parallel
    machines, isogeometric analysis as well as tree algorithms.


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How to Cite

Woźniak, M., & Paszyński, M. (2016). Application of projection-based interpolation algorithm for non-stationary problem. Computer Science, 17(3), 297.

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