Volunteer Computing Simulation using Repast and Mason


  • Aleksander Byrski AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Michal Felus
  • Jakub Gawlik
  • Rafal Jasica
  • Pawel Kobak
  • Grzegorz Jankowski
  • Edward Nawarecki
  • Michal Wroczynski
  • Przemyslaw Majewski
  • Tomasz Krupa
  • Jacek Strychalski




volunteer computing, agent-based simulation, RePast, MASON


Volunteer environments usually consist of a large number of computing nodes,with highly dynamic characteristics, therefore reliable models for a planning ofthe whole computing are highly desired. An easy to implement approach to mo-delling and simulation of such environments may employ agent-based universalsimulation frameworks, such as RePast or MASON. In the course of the paperthe above-mentioned simulation frameworks are adapted to support simulationof volunteer computing. After giving implementation details, selected resultsconcerning computing time and speedup are given and are compared with theones obtained from an actual volunteer environment.


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How to Cite

Byrski, A., Felus, M., Gawlik, J., Jasica, R., Kobak, P., Jankowski, G., Nawarecki, E., Wroczynski, M., Majewski, P., Krupa, T., & Strychalski, J. (2013). Volunteer Computing Simulation using Repast and Mason. Computer Science, 14(1), 153. https://doi.org/10.7494/csci.2013.14.1.153

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