
  • Alexandr Kasikov Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Earths Elements
  • Juri Neradovsky Geological Institute of the Kola Scientific Center
  • Miłosz Andrzej Huber Maria Curie Sklodowska Uniwersity
  • Yekaterina Mayorova Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Earths Elements
  • Elena Rakitina Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Earths Elements
  • Nikolai Grishin Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Earths Elements




metallic glass, slags, nickel metallurgy, de-sulphating


The problem of the disposal of metallurgical slags in the copper-nickel industry also remains open in the Kola Peninsula area, where this kind of exploitation and processing of sulphide Cu-Ni deposits is conducted. The urgent need is to reuse the waste slag heaps through the effective manner of their use based on our available technologies. The slag obtained after processing sulphide copper-nickel ores in the Kola Peninsula contains about 4 wt.% of the ore. The chemical and mineral composition of the slag plays a key role when considering the possibility of its re-use in the context of environmental nuisance. The line of processing Cu-Ni sulfide deposits from the slag proposed by the authors is based on the ability to change the slag phase composition by its oxidation and reduction processes for the enrichment of ore mineralization for reuse.


Author Biographies

  • Alexandr Kasikov, Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Earths Elements
    Kola Scientific Center RAS, 26a Fersman St., Apatity, Russia
  • Juri Neradovsky, Geological Institute of the Kola Scientific Center
    Geological Institute of the Kola Scientific Center RAS, 14 Fersmana St. 184209 Apatity, Russia
  • Miłosz Andrzej Huber, Maria Curie Sklodowska Uniwersity
    Geology and Litosphere Protection Departmentnt
  • Yekaterina Mayorova, Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Earths Elements
    The Kola Scientific Center RAS, 26a Fersman St., Apatity, Russia
  • Elena Rakitina, Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Earths Elements
    The Kola Scientific Center RAS, 26a Fersman St., Apatity, Russia
  • Nikolai Grishin, Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Earths Elements
    The Kola Scientific Center RAS, 26a Fersman St., Apatity, Russia


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How to Cite

HETEROGENEITY OF GLASS COMPONENTS IN SLAG AFTER NICKEL ACQUISITION PROCESS FROM KOLA PENINSULA (RUSSIA). (2017). Metallurgy and Foundry Engineering, 43(2), 89. https://doi.org/10.7494/mafe.2017.43.2.89