
  • Łukasz Wzorek
  • Mateusz Wędrychowicz
  • Marcel Wiewióra
  • Piotr Noga
  • Tomasz Skrzekut
  • Agata Wzorek
  • Katarzyna Łyp-Wrońska




aluminum, copper, powder, plastic consolidation, electrical conductivity, Al-Cu composite


Plastic consolidation of highly fragmented materials is a cost-effective way to recover aluminum alloys. In this process, metal in the form of chips, powders, or ribbons omits the melting step that is typical for conventional scrap recycling; by that, it significantly reduces both energy expenses and material losses. By reducing the number of operations, the cost of labor and expenditures on environmental protection can be decreased. In addition, the solid bonding of metals in highly dispersed forms allows us to create heterogeneous structures that could be difficult to obtain in traditional processes. In the present study, the influence of the addition of Cu powder (99.7 wt.%) on the bonding quality of aluminum powder (99.7 wt.%) during hot extrusion is being examined. The examined materials contained aluminum powder with the addition of 5 wt.% of Cu powder. The mixture of these powders were cold compacted to produce an 80-mm-long charge for the extrusion process. Plastic consolidation was conducted at three different temperatures: 300°, 350°, and 400°C. As a result, rods 8 mm in diameter were obtained. Mechanical tests combined with microstructure observations and electrical conductivity tests were performed for the as-extruded materials.


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How to Cite

POSSIBILITY OF AL-CU COMPOSITE MANUFACTURING FROM FINE METAL FRACTIONS BY RECYCLING PROCESS. (2017). Metallurgy and Foundry Engineering, 43(2), 117. https://doi.org/10.7494/mafe.2017.43.2.117

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