
  • Dariusz Fydrych Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Gdańsk, Poland
  • Aleksandra Świerczyńska Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Gdańsk, Poland
  • Grzegorz Rogalski




diffusible hydrogen, manual metal arc welding, rutile electrodes, cellulosic electrodes, basic electrodes


The article describes manufacturing technology of multilayer joints in terms of control the diffusible hydrogen content. Diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal for multilayer welded joints made of covered rutile electrodes or covered cellulosic and basic electrodes was determined. It was found that after four beads, the diffusible hydrogen content decreases in the case of the first technology from 36 ml/100 g to 18 ml/100 g while in the second of about 40 ml/100 g to a level of 12 ml/100 g. The explanation of the mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon and directions for further study were proposed.


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PN-EN ISO 3690:2012 Welding and allied processes - Determination of hydrogen content in arc weld metal







How to Cite

DIFFUSIBLE HYDROGEN CONTENT IN DEPOSITED METAL OF MULTILAYER WELDED JOINTS. (2016). Metallurgy and Foundry Engineering, 40(4), 221. https://doi.org/10.7494/mafe.2014.40.4.221