Geotourist boards as a part of geotourism information system


  • Paulina Mrowczyk AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Grzegorz Madeja AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Marek Doktor AGH University of Science and Technology


Słowa kluczowe:

geotourism, geotourist infrastructure, geotourist information boards


The article addresses basic problems related to the use of various information boards, which are the principal form of providing information about a particular geosite. Several aspects were taken into account: positioning of the boards, their content and construction materials. The results of a poll concerning tourist expectations towards the content of geotourist information were also presented in this paper.


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Jak cytować

Mrowczyk, P., Madeja, G., & Doktor, M. Geotourist boards as a part of geotourism information system. GEOTOURISM (Geoturystyka), 26-27, 25.