Eden Project – the Cornwall Peninsula peculiarity
quarry, mining landscape, tourist attractions, Eden Project, CornwallAbstract
The Eden Project – the largest natural scientific complex – was established in 2001 in the surroundings of Bodelva situated in the southern part of Cornwall (Great Britain). It was created in a kaolin pit closed down in the XIXth century. This venture has three main functions: natural, educational and touristic. Theproject presents unusually interesting and original architecture. Under light-transmitting, semicircular domes there are various ecosystems called biomes which differ from the external environment. The entire project consists of the following parts: the Mediterranean biome, the rainforest biome, a unit called “the
Core” and the visitor centre. The area where all the buildings are located is covered by the external biome. The Eden Project is a huge educative institution which reflects processes occurring in the nature. The aim of this venture is, above all, education of ecological aspects concerning life on the Earth and presentation of the necessity to preserve the biodiversity. Since its opening, the Eden Project has been visited by 1.2 million tourists every year.
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