Geolocalization of XIX Century Villages and Cities Mentioned in Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland


  • Grzegorz Jan Jaśkiewicz double affiliation: Warsaw University of Technology, Google Polska sp. z o.o



Geographical dictionary of Polish Kingdom and other slavic countries, Natural language processing, Geolocalization, Statistics


In this article it has been presented a method of rough estimation of geographical coordinates of villages and cities, which has been described in XIX century geographical encyclopedia entitled: "The Geographical dictionary of Polish Kingdom and other slavic countries". It has been described functioning of the algorithm for estimating location, the toolbox used to acquire and process necessary information, as well as context of this research.


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How to Cite

Jaśkiewicz, G. J. (2013). Geolocalization of XIX Century Villages and Cities Mentioned in Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland. Computer Science, 14(3), 423.