
  • Claudia L. Zuniga-Canon
  • Juan Carlos Burguillo University of Vigo




Urban Computing, Context Modeling, Pervasive Computing, Ubiquitous Spaces.


Nowadays, urban computing has gained a lot of interest for guiding the evolution of citiesinto intelligent environments. These environments are appropriated for individuals’ inter-actions changing in their behaviors. These changes require new approaches that allow theunderstanding of how urban computing systems should be modeled.

In this work we present UrbanContext, a new model for designing of urban computingplatforms that applies the theory of roles to manage the individual’s context in urban envi-ronments. The theory of roles helps to understand the individual’s behavior within a socialenvironment, allowing to model urban computing systems able to adapt to individuals statesand their needs.

UrbanContext collects data in urban atmospheres and classifies individuals’ behaviorsaccording to their change of roles, to optimize social interaction and offer secure services.Likewise, UrbanContext serves as a generic model to provide interoperability, and to facilitatethe design, implementation and expansion of urban computing systems.



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How to Cite

Zuniga-Canon, C. L., & Burguillo, J. C. (2014). URBANCONTEXT: A MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR PERVASIVE ENVIRONMENTS IN USER-ORIENTED URBAN COMPUTING. Computer Science, 15(1), 75. https://doi.org/10.7494/csci.2014.15.1.75