HiPHET: A Hybrid Approach to Translate Code Mixed Language (Hinglish) to Pure Languages (Hindi and English)
Code Mixed Language, Pure Language, Hinglish, Hybrid language, Machine TranslationAbstract
Bilingual code mixed (hybrid) languages has become very popular in India as a result of the spread of Western technology in the form of the television, the Internet and social media. Due to this increase in usage of code-mixed languages in day-to-day communication, the need for maintaining the integrity of Indian languages has arisen. As a result of this need the tool named Hinglish to Pure Hindi and English Translator was developed. The tool translated in three ways, namely, Hinglish to Pure Hindi and Pure English, Pure Hindi to Pure English and vice versa. The tool has achieved accuracy of 91% in giving Hindi sentences as output and of 84% in giving English sentences as output, where the input sentences were in Hinglish. The tool has also been compared with another similar tool in the paper.
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