
  • Slawomir Samolej Rzeszow University of Technology
  • Tomasz Szmuc AGH University of Science and Technology




The main aim ofthepaper is apresentation oftime extensions ofPetri nets appropriate for modelling and analysis o f hard real-time systems. It is assumed, that the extensions must provide a model o f time flow, an ability to force a transition to fire within a stated timing constraint (the so-called the strongfiring rule), and timing constraints represented by inte- rvals. The presented survey includes extensions o f classical Place/Transition Petri nets, as well as the ones applied to high-level Petri nets. An expressiveness o f each time extension is illustrated using simple hard real-time system. The paper includes also a brief description o f analysis and verification methods related to the extensions, and a survey o f software tools supporting modelling and analysis o f the considered Petri nets.


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How to Cite

Samolej, S., & Szmuc, T. (2020). TIME EXTENSIONS OF PETRI NETS FOR MODELLING AND YERIFICATION OF HARD REAL-TIME SYSTEMS. Computer Science, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.7494/csci.2002.4.1.3599