
  • Pawel Topa AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Mariusz Paszkowski




We present a new approach to modelling o f transportation networks. Supply o f resources and their influence on the evolution o f the consuming environment is a principal problem considered. We present two concepts, which are based on cellular automata paradigm. In thefirst model SCAMAN {Simple CellularAutomata Model ofAnastomosing NetWork), the system is represented by a 2D mesh o f elementary cells. The rules o f interaction between them are introducedfor modelling of the waterflow and other phenomena connected with anastomosing river. Due to limitations o f SCAMAN model, we introduce a supplementary model. The MANGraCA {Model o fAnastomosing NetWork with Graph o f Cellular Automa ta) model beside the classical mesh o f automata, introduces an additional structure: the graph o f cellular automata, which represents the network pattern. Finally we discuss the prospective applications of the models. The concepts offuturę implementation are also presented.


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How to Cite

Topa, P., & Paszkowski, M. (2020). A CELLULAR AUTOMATA MODELS OF EVOLUTION OF TRANSPORTATION NETWORKS. Computer Science, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.7494/csci.2002.4.1.3596