The Internet Inter-Orb Protocol Security Bridge


  • Pawel Pietras AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Pawel Slowikowski AGH University of Science and Technology



The development of the CORBA standard and the creation of the IIOP protocol allowed the creation of distributed object-oriented applications in heterogeneous systems. The IIOP protocol enabled communication between brokers' requests from various manufacturers. It also began to be used as a protocol for communication of Java applet objects run in a web browser environment with objects running on the server, replacing the less flexible and universal CGI (Common Gateway Interface) protocol. Therefore, it became deliberate to provide CORBA facilities on the Internet. However, sharing these facilities requires two solutions. The first problem concerns networks protected by a firewall. Some of these devices allow communication through one or more TCP and UDP ports, which makes it impossible to use the IIOP protocol directly. The solution to this problem is tunneling of the IIOP (HTTP tunneling) protocol through other protocols; however, this is an unusual and not recommended approach. Another way to make the object available is to start the object so that its object adapter is running on a specific TCP port open through the firewall. You can also run a proxy (proxy) of the shared object on the port open through the firewall. The second problem concerns the provision of object access control. In the case of the IIOP protocol, firewall protection is not sufficient when it is done at a level lower than the IIOP protocol layer. Control of access to CORBA objects should be implemented using the concepts of CORBA and IIOP standards. This requires the creation of a system operating at the level of these layers, cooperating with the fire wall.


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IONA Technologies Ltd.: The Wonder Wall. CORBA IIOP Firewall Proxy, Yersion 1.0. beta. 1997

IONA Technologies Ltd.: IIOP on the Internet (Firewall Navigation and WonderWall(tm)). White Paper, 1997

OMG: The Common Object Reąuest Broker: Architecture and Specification, Revision 2.0. OMG TC document, 1995-1996

OMG: CORBA 2.0/Interoperability. Universal Networked Objects. OMG TC document, 1995

Visigenic Software Inc.: YISIGENIC YisiBroker for C++ Programmer’s Guide, Yersion 2.0. 1996

Visigenic Software Inc.: YISIGENIC YisiBrokerfor C++ Reference Guide, Yersion 2.0. 1996

Visigenic Software Inc.: YISIGENIC YisiBroker for Java Programmer’s Guide, Yersion 1.0. 1996

Visigenic Software Inc.: YISIGENIC YisiBroker for Java Reference Guide, Yersion 1.0. 1996

Mecnarowski L.: Monitorowanie protokołu IIOP. Praca magisterska, Katedra Informatyki AGH, Kraków 1996

Pietras P., Słowikowski P.: Mostek Bezpieczeństwa IIOP. Praca magisterska, Katedra Informatyki AGH, Kraków 1997







How to Cite

Pietras, P., & Slowikowski, P. (2020). The Internet Inter-Orb Protocol Security Bridge. Computer Science, 1(1).