Intelligent System in some Decision Classes’ Environment


  • Mariusz Swiecicki AGH University of Science and Technology



At the end of our century, we can observe revolution in the field of information processing. We are currently witnessing an increase in the amount of data that human beings use in their daily lives, as well as an increase in the possibilities of data processing. We can easily say that the above phenomena are not only dependent on each other, but also interact with each other. In a situation of rapid growth in both the amount of information and computing power, the question may be asked how to improve our perception of reality by having such resources at our disposal. Until now, in the process of learning about the world around him, he used methods whose bases were developed at the end of the last century, thanks to which he had numerical procedures that could be used, among others, in such areas as speech recognition, image recognition to control systems in certain narrowly specialized classes of issues. Notwithstanding this, artificial intelligence research was carried out in many scientific laboratories. Thanks to the results of this work, it was possible to create various types of expert and predictive systems that were based on symbolic calculus, or used numerical techniques. Restrictions on this type of system may include: the use of established numerical procedures, small opportunities to implement the learning process, or rather self-learning, as well as the lack of a universal system architecture to solve problems in various fields. In this way we come to the issues that will be the subject of this article.


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How to Cite

Swiecicki, M. (2020). Intelligent System in some Decision Classes’ Environment. Computer Science, 1(1).