Extracting class diagram from hidden dependencies in data set





conceptual model, class diagram, UML, data retrieval, raw data, csv 2019/10/28,


A conceptual model is a high-level, graphical representation of a specic do-
main, presenting its key concepts and relationships between them. In particular, these dependencies can be inferred from concepts' instances being a part of big raw data les. The paper aims to propose a method for constructing a conceptual model from data frames encompassed in data les. The result is presented in the form of a class diagram. The method is explained with several examples and veried by a case study in which the real data sets are processed. It can also be applied for checking the quality of the data set.


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How to Cite

Hnatkowska, B., Huzar, Z., & Tuzinkiewicz, L. (2020). Extracting class diagram from hidden dependencies in data set. Computer Science, 21(2). https://doi.org/10.7494/csci.2020.21.2.3483