
  • Emilia Branny AGH-UST
  • Marek Gajęcki AGH-UST




natural language processing, text summarizing


The aim of this article is to describe an existing implementation of a text summarizer forPolish, to analyze the results and propose the possibilities of further development. Theproblem of text summarizing has been already addressed by science but until now there hasbeen no implementation designed for Polish. The implemented algorithm is based on existingdevelopments in the field but it also includes some improvements. It has been optimized fornewspaper texts ranging from approx. 10 to 50 sentences. Evaluation has shown that it worksbetter than known generic summarization tools when applied to Polish.


Author Biographies

  • Emilia Branny, AGH-UST
    PhD Student EAIiE
  • Marek Gajęcki, AGH-UST
    Institute of Computer Science


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How to Cite

Branny, E., & Gajęcki, M. (2013). TEXT SUMMARIZING IN POLISH. Computer Science, 7(4), 31. https://doi.org/10.7494/csci.2005.7.4.31