Tree Structures for Adaptive Control Space in 3D Meshing




control space, kd-tree, octree, anisotropic metric, mesh generation and adaptation


The article presents a comparison of several octree- and kd-tree-based structures
used for the construction of control space in the process of anisotropic
mesh generation and adaptation. The adaptive control space utilized by the
authors supervises the construction of meshes by providing the required metric
information regarding the desired shape and size of elements of the mesh at
each point of the modeled domain. Comparative tests of these auxiliary structures
were carried out based on different versions of the tree structures with
respect to computational and memory complexity as well as the quality of the
generated mesh. Analysis of the results shows that kd-trees (not present in
the meshing literature in this role) offer good performance and may become
a reasonable alternative to octree structures.


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How to Cite

Jurczyk, T., & Głut, B. (2017). Tree Structures for Adaptive Control Space in 3D Meshing. Computer Science, 17(4), 541.