The Influence of Listener Personality on Music Choices


  • Mariusz Kleć Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology



music recommendation, listener personality


To deliver better recommendations, music information systems need to go beyond
standard methods for musical taste prediction. Tracking the listener’s
emotions is one way to improve the quality of recommendations. This can be
achieved explicitly, by asking the listener to report his/her emotional state, or
implicitly, by tracking the context in which the music is heard. However, the
factors that induce particular emotions vary among individuals. This paper
presents initial research on the influence of an individual’s personality on his
or her choice of music. The psychological profile of a group of 16 students was
determined by a questionnaire. The participants were asked to label their own
music collections, listen to the music, and mark their emotions using a custom
application. Statistical analysis revealed correlations between low-level audio
features, personality types, and emotional states of the students.


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How to Cite

Kleć, M. (2017). The Influence of Listener Personality on Music Choices. Computer Science, 18(2), 163.