Comparison and Adaptation of Automatic Evaluation Metrics for Quality Assessment of Re-Speaking


  • Krzysztof Wołk Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology
  • Danijel Koržinek Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology



evaluation metrics


Re-speaking is a mechanism for obtaining high quality subtitles for use in live
broadcast and other public events. Because it relies on humans performing the
actual re-speaking, the task of estimating the quality of the results is non-trivial.
Most organisations rely on humans to perform the actual quality assessment,
but purely automatic methods have been developed for other similar problems,
like Machine Translation. This paper will try to compare several of these
These will then be matched to the human-derived NER metric, commonly used
in re-speaking.


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How to Cite

Wołk, K., & Koržinek, D. (2017). Comparison and Adaptation of Automatic Evaluation Metrics for Quality Assessment of Re-Speaking. Computer Science, 18(2), 129.