
  • Łukasz Janyst Jagiellonian University, Krakow
  • Anna Kaczmarska Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Tadeusz Szymocha Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Marcin Wolter Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Andrzej Zemła Polish Academy of Sciences




multivariate methods, High Energy Physics, ATLAS, tau leptons


Elementary particle physics experiments, which search for very rare processes, require theefficient analysis and selection algorithms able to separate a signal from the overwhelmingbackground. Four learning machine algorithms have been applied to identify τ leptons inthe ATLAS experiment: projective likelihood estimator (LL), Probability Density Estimatorwith Range Searches (PDE-RS), Neural Network, and the Support Vector Machine (SVM).All four methods have similar performance, which is significantly better than the baselinecut analysis. This indicates that the achieved background rejection is close to the maximal achievable performance.


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Author Biographies

  • Łukasz Janyst, Jagiellonian University, Krakow
    Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science
  • Anna Kaczmarska, Polish Academy of Sciences
    Institute of Nuclear Physics
  • Tadeusz Szymocha, Polish Academy of Sciences
    Institute of Nuclear Physics
  • Marcin Wolter, Polish Academy of Sciences
    Institute of Nuclear Physics
  • Andrzej Zemła, Polish Academy of Sciences
    Institute of Nuclear Physics


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How to Cite

OPTIMIZATION OF TAU IDENTIFICATION IN ATLAS EXPERIMENT USING MULTIVARIATE TOOLS. (2013). Computer Science, 9(3), 35. https://doi.org/10.7494/csci.2008.9.3.35

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