Type-driven Development of Concurrent Communicating Systems


  • Edwin Charles Brady University of St Andrews




Modern software systems rely on communication, for example mobile applcations communicating with a central server, distributed systems coordinaing a telecommunications network, or concurrent systems handling events and processes in a desktop application. However, reasoning about concurrent prgrams is hard, since we must reason about each process and the order in which communication might happen between processes. In this paper, I describe a type-driven approach to implementing communicating concurrent programs, using the dependently typed programming language Idris. I show how the type system can be used to describe resource access protocols (such as controlling access to a file handle) and verify that programs correctly follow those prtools. Finally, I show how to use the type system to reason about the order of communication between concurrent processes, ensuring that each end of a communication channel follows a defined protocol.


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How to Cite

Brady, E. C. (2017). Type-driven Development of Concurrent Communicating Systems. Computer Science, 18(3). https://doi.org/10.7494/csci.2017.18.3.1413